November learnings – Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Week of 11/15/21 – 11/21/21


  1. – How to use window function to break a bigger sequence into smaller ones
  2. Load NumPy data – This tutorial provides an example of loading data from NumPy arrays into a
  3. Using with tf.keras – Building tensorflow input pipelines
  4. Examples
    1. Simple audio recognition: Recognizing keywords
    2. Text generation with an RNN
    3. Generate music with an RNN

Week of 11/15/21 – 11/21/21

  • RNNs
    • keras.sequential: What is it?
    • The Functional API – Keras The Keras Functional API provides more flexibility in creating models compared to keras.sequential. The overall structure for creating models using the functional API is as follows.
      • First create an input node and define the shape of the input. For example, if the input consists of 784 dimensional vectors. Then, we would define the input node as: inputs = keras.Input(shape=(784,)). This is the shape of one sample in the dataset. The batchsize is not to be included.
      • Then, the first layer in the graph is created that takes in this input shape as follows: dense = layers.Dense(64, activation = “relu”), after we have created a layer, then we pass it the input and to give an output, x x = dense(inputs). Note, 64 is the number of units (neurons) in the Dense layer.
      • Then, we simply add more layers as needed. Let’s add another dense layer with 64 units that takes the input (x) from the previous layer and gives (y) as an output: y = layers.Dense(64, activation = “relu”)(x). Lets’ add a final layer as follows: outputs = layers.Dense(10)(x).
      • Finally, we can create a model that aggregates all the layers as follows: model = model.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name = “myFirstModel”)
      • Print the model summary: model.summary( )
      • We can also plot the model and display the inputs and output shapes for each layer in the graph. See keras tutorial for the commands.
      • Training: This is same as the Sequential models. )
      • Evaluation: This is same as the Sequential models. model.evaluate ( )
      • Save the model. model.Save ( )
      • The saved model can then be loaded later on as. models.load_model ( )
      • Inference:
Training and evaluation for Models
  • Example of a Functional API for LSTM
  • When to use Functional API?
keras.Sequential( )


  1. Text generation with an RNN – refer for general training techniques for RNNs
  2. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with KerasMUST READ
  3. Keras layers explanation in detailMUST READ, explains what is behind the black box in Keras LSTM and other layers
  4. tf.keras.layers.LSTM – MUST READ, explains what is behind LSTM cell in tensorflow
  5. tf.keras.layers.Dense – What is behind the dense layer
  6. Training and Evaluation with built in methods in Keras
  7. Writing a training loop from scratch
  8. Masking and padding with Keras
  9. – History of Speech Recognition
  10. How to Prepare Univariate Time Series Data for Long Short-Term Memory Networks – read, LSTM expects 3 dimensional data (Number of samples/Sequences, Number of time steps in each sample/sequence, Number of elements in a vector at a particular time step (features)..
    1. Also, LSTM works better in the number of time steps in each sequence is between 200-400 elements – more than this will not work properly
  11. How to Reshape Input Data for Long Short-Term Memory Networks in Kerasread, LSTM expects 3 dimensional data
  12. Techniques to Handle Very Long Sequences with LSTMsread
    1. Use sequence as is
    2. Truncate sequence
    3. Summarize Sequence
    4. Random Sampling
    5. Use Truncated Backpropagation Through Time – post available to read
    6. Use an Encoder-Decoder Architecture
  13. Data Preparation for Variable Length Input Sequencesread
  14. RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) Tutorial: TensorFlow Exampleread, example of how to create a simple RNN model in Tensorflow – goes over how to create batches, etc.
  15. Text classification with an RNNread
  16. Deep Learning LSTM for Sentiment Analysis in Tensorflow with Keras API -an example
  17. TannerGilbert-Tutorials in Github – Sentiment Anslysis
  18. HandsOn Machine Learning – Processing Sequences using RNN and CNN
  19. HandsOn Machine Learning – NLP with RNNs and Attention
  20. Counting Number of Parameters in Feed Forward Deep Neural Network | Keras

Week of 11/01/21 – 11/07/21

  • RNN
RNN architecture: Source [3]
RNN architecture (Ex: for sentiment analysis). Source [3]


  1. RNNs Theory
    1. Understanding LSTM Networks (recommended)
    2. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (youtube video)
    3. Lecture 10 | Recurrent Neural Networks (Stanford lecture)
    4. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks – Andrej Karpathy
    5. MIT 6.S191 (2020): Recurrent Neural Networks – shows building RNN in Tensorflow mode.